Our Little Muenster

Adding a new member to our cheesy little family!

Welcome, Jake!

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Jake was taking his sweet time.

My due date came and went, with not so much as a contraction. Not even Braxton Hicks. My appointments with the OB started becoming humorous. She just left it up to me, whether or not I wanted to induce. But everything I read said that induction, even for large babies, was never really necessary or beneficial for Mom or baby (other than just getting it overweigh) and I was hoping to be able to lay off the Pitocin this time around.

So we waited.

Finally, at 40w4d, I agreed to schedule an induction. I was going to come in the next evening and get things going. We joked that I would probably go into labor in the next 24 he, just because I finally made the decision to induce. And that's basically what happened.

About 7 pm

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