Adding a new member to our cheesy little family!

Ultrasound #2!

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Had ultrasound #2 this morning - SO amazing! I'm just over 12 weeks at this point, and the difference from the first scan was incredible. You could see its little fingers and toes! And it was moving like crazy - kicking, squirming, punching. The tech said that it was probably getting sugar from the breakfast I ate earlier this morning, which makes it more active. 

We heard it's heartbeat, which was really fast and swooshy - 150 bpm. And they had ways of checking the blood flow to the placenta and all sorts of other interesting things.

Neil was there this time, which was awesome. I really wanted to keep looking over at him to see his reactions, but also couldn't pull my eyes off the screen. We got a whole roll of photos printed out - we need to scan some more so we can post them.

The purpose of this particular scan was for the Sequential Integrated Screening - part of the Californial Prenatal Screening Program to do a risk assessment for genetic diseases like Down Syndrome. According to my first blood test and the Neural Translucency test they did during the ultrasound, everything looks great!

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